Kitchen Spaces

Renovate your Kitchen With Closet Space Cabinetry

With proper organization, your kitchen can become the centerpiece of your house, a professional workplace that you never want to leave. Closet Space will transform your kitchen spaces, both pantries and your kitchen itself, into a space you love, guaranteeing satisfaction with every project.

Transform your kitchen or pantry into your home's elegant and functional cornerstone. Custom drawers, cabinets, and pantry space will leave your kitchen looking and feeling fresh, organized, and beautiful.

Expanded Kitchen Space
High-Quality Materials & FinishesExpanded Kitchen SpaceCreative Design Freedom
High-Quality Materials & Finishes

High-Quality Materials & Finishes

Closet Space services can provide high-quality custom cabinets, drawers, and shelving units to transform your kitchen into a high-end space. All of our melamine composites are available in various materials and colors, so we ensure there's a finish and style for you, no matter what your kitchen vision may be.

Expanded Kitchen Space

Expanded Kitchen Space

For longtime homeowners or those renovating their first house or apartment, it's essential to make the most of each room in your home. Your kitchen is no different. With your custom Closet Space and storage solutions, we will help you maximize your kitchen area to store the most you can by installing shelves in your pantry, drawers for a kitchen island, or cabinets lining the perimeter of your kitchen.

Creative Design Freedom

Creative Design Freedom

You are given creative control through every step of the process, from design to installation. You know your personal needs better than anyone else, so design freedom is up to you. You know what shelving units, drawers, closets, and cabinets should be installed to make your kitchen a more organized place. At Closet Space, our team of professionals works to make your vision come to life so your kitchen becomes the space you dreamed of. Your job is to tell us the specifications of your needs; ours is to install the custom Closet Space that work to fulfill those needs.

Ready to transform your space and your life?

We're ready to help. Get started on your design today.

How do I customize my kitchen spaces?
Chevron down

The customization process starts with you letting us know your needs and preferences. Then we create design ideas using the latest design software. We then proceed to construct your custom kitchen spaces to your unique needs.

How can I maximize my kitchen space?
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You can maximize your kitchen storage by utilizing cabinetry, adding extra shelves to your pantry for food storage, and organizing drawers to store smaller kitchen items. No matter how large your existing kitchen spaces are, an expert designer at Closet Space can help you decide on the pantry design, drawers, built-in cabinets, and layout that works best for your kitchen layout and personal needs.

How much do custom walk in closets cost?
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The complete cost of a custom wardrobe varies based on the size of the closet, the materials used, and the design features requested. You can contact Closet Space for a quote on your walk in closet ideas.

How much does renovating a kitchen cost?
Chevron down

The complete cost of custom cabinetry for a kitchen varies based on the size of the kitchen, the materials used, and the design features requested. You can contact Closet Space for a quote on your kitchen ideas.